The movie, The Secret of the Universe, is a wonderful tool when it comes to the Law of Attraction. Everything is put in the present tense when you want to make a wish a reality. Wonderful thoughts create a wonderful life. But what if things are just not happening and you are wondering what you have done wrong in your manifesting approach? Well, long before The Secret, the movie was out I was teaching a class called, “Your Power”. The concept was very much the same as The Secret or the Law of Attraction. But being human, we sometimes get caught up in yesterday’s business (worry) by doing things that we should have or could have done. When we put out the energy of our thoughts, indeed the universe does take notice. But because time does not exists on earth the same as it does on the other side, it may not find us before we give up.
I believe we are all gifted and many of us are very old souls. As I have said in some past articles, you truly have the power to make life changes for the (better even when things seem to be going in the opposite direction). I am a firm believer in my writing’s of letters to God and the universe that you can create things just as you want them. I do not say that you have to go to church to talk to God or say that your thoughts to God are not heard. Your thoughts are in-deed heard from the other side and everyday you get the chance to start over.
What The Secret does not explain is that your wisdom is very old. It comes from many life times when you were both successful and where you had hardships around you. In my belief system, I am a Christian in this lifetime but I do encompass other faiths. I do not believe that one is greater than the other. I also believe that with our guides and angels (that we work with on a daily basis), they try to make everything as true as possible. Now, with that being said, if you could pull those other lifetime memories from when you were successful and discard the lifetimes when you had hardship, the positive flow of energy will begin.
I believe you can focus through meditation to empower you in this lifetime. It can help you to overcome obstacles that you may be facing today and tomorrow. Most people are very caring individuals and they are looking to benefit people in a positive way. It seems everyone wants to give from the heart at some point in their life. They work daily and hope for something better tomorrow.
Having goals certainly helps. We are taught this in the first and second grade, but we lose focus when we get our goals off track. Think about a time when you placed your goals on others. An example is when my children were learning manners, I would reward them for remembering to do a chore or say thank you or even doing their homework. My goal as a parent was to try to create a better life for them as they were growing. I believed in them to the fullest. We are all truly looking for the best. As I have said in the past, lessons of unconditional love, compassion and understanding are part of the soul lessons in this lifetime. When you meditate, you are calming the human body to a point of nothingness calm. When you pay attention to your thoughts, you are communicating with your higher self. When goals are set into action, nothing will stop them. The universe will help you to achieve goals. Allow your guides and angels to have the time to help you from the other side of life. Allow yourself to continue to dream and you will continue to grow.
When you can calm the body long enough, you can ask your higher self to allow you to remember other life times of when you were in power and when you felt successful. Remember, sometimes we are our own worst enemy. We judge ourselves and place guilt on our beings. If we were perfect people, we would have all our lessons completed. I see this all the time in readings. The dreams are there, but judgment is behind the dreams. Try very hard to remember that when you do this, you place blocks of energy in front of goals (yourself). Your soul has the wisdom and trust that you and your higher self need to go down the path you are to be on. Allow yourself to bring happiness in all directions. You truly are in charge. You are not here to fail. Your mission will be completed. This has been scheduled long before you came into this lifetime. The hard times are lessons. Allow yourself to see this clear. The issues will soon be gone and new doorways will open.
When I tell people that I write letters to the universe, people will sometimes say, “Aren’t prayers heard”? My response is, “Yes they are”. But for me to unwind I find comfort within my writings. I am also one to say that by writing letters to your guides and angels you are telling the universe or God what you feel. This will only help you to understand part of your mission. I believe that the writings are a psychical trait. Something real that I can see or touch where most people cannot see thoughts or energy even though your thoughts are energy. I also tell people to carry a business card or a post-it note in their pocket. Make it something you want to manifest. Your angels and guides will take notice and it will give you a positive flow in your energy field. The focus on top of the writing on the paper will allow things to keep you in the focus and your dreams in sight. Understand all is possible and all of it can happen. Sometimes it may not happen as fast as you would like or in the sequence that you may have anticipated. Your guides and angels will start that direction for you. One more thing I would like you to think about from an energy stand point, you are energy as well as everything around you. So when you get up, sit with someone. It does affect goals and it allows you to be bombarded with a chain reaction. And when things are going backwards, catch it in action and tell yourself that you love yourself and that you know in your heart that a higher power will help you. Call it what you may, your guides and angels will be with you to help you today and tomorrow with no doubt. Trust in yourself an know you are truly moving forward.
Allow the light to shine,
Thomas Windlow